New team sport game, Flimsee, takes the classic backyard game and optimises it for full-on family fun.
Grandview Heights, OH, July 20, 2014 — Flimsee, an Ohio-based startup, has recently released their new and innovative team game by the same name, Flimsee. Available for purchase on their website, the game is carefully and stylishly designed using only the highest quality components, and is completely manufactured locally in the US.
The idea and concept of Flimsee was born in 2008 when creator, John Mally, saw a frisbee disk knock a cup off a snow pole, inspiring him to make a whole new game. Since then, for the past six years, Mally has devoted to working on and optimising the newfound game, constantly tweaking and experimenting with equipment to ensure perfection for play. Mally’s community of friends and family who share the same passion and vision for Flimsee, have turned the lawn game into a classic for any household, uniting family members at play, “This game is no joke, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, cousins, a full on family affair at our house.” said all-American dad, Joe O’Reiley.
Although Flimsee is available for purchase on the startup’s website, the team has now set their sights on making their favorite game more accessible for everyone. Deciding to manufacture more compact, safe to use, and retail-friendly design, and partnering with their innovation incubator, Trident Design, together they have come up with improvements that make Flimsee a better size, strength, and price. The new version of the game will be collapsable, also helping to solve any shipping issues, and cutting down costs.
To follow through with this, though, and bring the game to the world, the startup needs financial support from the wider community. They have decided to start a crowdfunding project here:, where you can donate to the cause and follow the team on their journey. Pledging certain amounts also results in ‘perks’, which are gifts for funding the project and include Flimsee game packs. For more information on Flimsee and its team, visit their website: