The Simplexity of Flimsee

A close friend of mine once told me that he didn’t have an athletic bone in his body. It was hard for me to argue with this comment, as I had just witnessed this twenty-eight year old friend of mine lose a three-hundred yard foot race… to a ten-year old. Not only had he lost, but the fact that my friend didn’t even finish the race further validated his comment.

Less than a week before this incredible display of athleticism, the same friend was taking part in a city-wide horseshoe tournament. More than two-hundred and fifty men and women of all ages and abilities were participating in this annual event. While I was not in attendance, my friend made sure that I received a replay at the end of the weekend. That is because this friend of mine, who in only a few days later would tell me that he didn’t have an athletic bone in his body, won both the singles and doubles tournament championships.

Yard games (a.k.a “tossing games”, “outdoor games”, “lawn games”, “tailgating games”) are the essence of simplicity. Something that is simple can be perceived as positive, “easy to understand”, or negative, “not much to it”. I have often heard horseshoes, bocce, or even cornhole, described in a similar way. Complexity, on the other hand, often refers to something with “many parts”, or “difficult to understand without a challenge”. Although there are certain rules and strategies involved, I have never heard or seen the terms, “yard game” and “complex” used in the same sentence (until just now, of course).

I believe there are two extremes when it comes to types of people in the world. On one end of the spectrum, are those who like to keep their lives – and everything in them – simple. They seldom take a step out of their “comfort zone”. On the other end of the spectrum, however, are the challenge seekers. These individuals do not have the word “simple” in their vocabulary. Instead, their minds are filled with thoughts of uniqueness and complexity.

However, these two extremes probably make up less than twenty-percent of the world’s population. The majority of us seek a happy medium between simplicity and complexity in our daily lives. Furthermore, we seek something that is simple, while at the same time, is complex.

Flimsee® has launched a multifaceted yard game set with the potential to provide an experience of simplexity for those of us seeking that happy medium. This innovation offers players multiple options for customization, while providing a quality product.

Flimsee® has the capability of functioning similarly to a complicated cell phone, but the sticks, cups, and Frisbees are a way of approaching it as just a phone. It’s simple, it’s stylish, it fits in a belt holster, but it can also be the key to the universe with one push of a button (the “apps” download button). Cornhole, ladder golf, washers, and bocce are like an Alert 1® Medical Alert device – and that can be occasionally useless.

Flimsee® is the essence of simplexity.